

Often times you may find yourself asking about tax problems or ideas. Or perhaps you are struggling with the fear of unknown consequences to business moves you are pondering.

Maybe you’re thinking about:

  • Starting a New Business
  • Expanding an Existing Business
  • Hiring Employees for the First Time
  • Creating a Corporation or a Sub S Corporation
  • Forming an LLC
  • Taking on a Partner
  • Planning for Your Retirement
  • Creating a Trust
  • Creating Benefits or Retirement Plans for Your Employees
  • Fulfilling the Duties of the Successor Trustee of a Trust or Executor of a Will

You may be asking, “What are the unforeseen costs of such a program. How will this affect my taxes? What other risks should I consider that have I not thought of? Are there better alternatives?” Too many people are getting their advice from someone – maybe even a trusted, successful friend – who is not trained in these areas. Bad advice can be very expensive!

The trained professionals at Larsen, Gangloff and Larsen can advise you on these subjects and more. Professional advice allows you to make a much more informed decision and generally saves you plenty of money in the long run.

Call today for a consultation appointment. You’ll be surprised by what you learn in a short time.